Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Had sew these 2 pouches for 2 little birthday girls.... Is to hold their new camera. Hope they like it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sleeve pants.

Had used old long shirt to sew a kid's 3/4 pants. Actually, had wanted to try out this long time ago but no time....
At last!!! and Afro bubbles is such a good model to try on it.

Sewing machine

Update.... my new sewing machine.... actually its been months. lol...

Afro Bubbles Library bag

Had sew a library bag for Afro bubbles, so that he can bring along when he goes library with his school.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sewing Machine Cover

Had bought this fabric long time ago... Decided to sew a cover for my new sewing machine.... Lov the print.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Miffy pillow case

At last finished sewing my pink miffy pillow case before CNY. Had just washed it.... thats y the fabric look like this.... The finished product!!!

1 Pouch for 2 Phones

Had sew a pouch for 2 phones... The middle where it will seperate 2 compartments.
Back view.
Front view.